2019 – November
This year is flying isn’t it? I mean we are in November now and it didn’t seem like 2 minutes ago that I was in shorts and t-shirt, madness isn’t it? I guess it also proves a point that we should make every moment count rather than count every moment. What did October bring, well we had another WORLD STROKE DAY (29th October 2019) and although we weren’t asked to take part in anything particular, we did have representation at Salford Royal and the feedback was all positive. Tim and I also met some of the clinicians on the 28th who hadn’t actually heard of StrokeInformation, so a massive thank you for the opportunity to explain a bit about what we are about, so thank you Ilse Burger & Dominic McGaw for allowing that to happen. Also a special thanks to Rachel Starkey of Manchester University who invited me in to talk to her first year speech and language students, again StrokeInformation just wants to help educate anyone about Strokes, who is at risk (anyone at any age) but rather than focusing on preventative measures which the national stroke charity are very good at, we are driven with educating about coping strategies. No-one knows what it is like to suffer a stroke or be impacted by Stroke unless it happens to you or a loved one, so please help us, help others understand a little bit more.
It is also important to discuss the national stroke charity and to congratulate them on changing their focus, from lets conquer stroke which is a bit of a Oxy-moran as strokes cannot be conquered as anyone who understands what they are about, knows why. However the focus is now about rebuilding lives after stroke, which is more realistic and I note that they have started to engage with other stroke related ordinations to work together rather than try and for want of a better word, compete with others. So I support this approach totally. On to what we have coming up, well we have a bucket collection planned on 23rd November and if you want to help you can by Texting the word COUNTY, then £1, £2, £5 to 70085 also we have something a little different planned in December, please see :-
Steady Eddie’s Christmas Cracker – 14th December 2019 FREE ENTRY
Also we will shortly be announcing our pin badge shown below, which can be purchased to show your support to our registered charity. Now these Pin Badges are very reasonably priced at £2.00 each, and you can order yours now by emailing: Badge@StrokeInformation.co.uk