February 2016
Well 2016 has started off with a bang !! A fantastic bang as John, Anthony & I are now undertaking several drop ins a week, please email contactus@strokeinformation.co.uk for further details we are coming to an area near you; We have some great exciting things happening this year and as everyone associated with StrokeInformation has been impacted by Stroke, we really do know and understand what it is like, we offer true peer support, guidance, information, support and practical advice for anyone impacted by Stroke or just anyone who would like to know more about this condition. We have also put the footings together for a training programme for real awareness and understanding, training given by real Stroke survivors who wish to empower others in order that confidence can be obtained and hurdles overcome. Steady Eddie is our new trademarked mascot and he will help you to go at your own pace, NICE & STEADY