£2m NHS shake-up
Centralised stroke services could save up to 50 patients per year under £2m NHS shake-up.
Click HERE to read all about it
November 27th 2013
November 2012
All of a sudden my employer was on the scene wanting to have a copy of my medical records or
at least my consent to let them have access to them. Maybe I wouldn’t have been so agreeing if
I had known about him ringing my wife whilst I was in intensive care asking when I would be back at
work!! Perfect timing Mr, insensitive,… Continue reading
October 2012
Discharged from Hospital – the lovely OT (occupational therapist) visited my home to make sure
I would be able to manage at home, they were satisfied providing my wife was able to acquire a
bath seat, a walking aid, wheelchair and that my consultant would see me in a couple of weeks.
Recovery starts at home now.
A visit from my employer and some flowers, get well card… Continue reading
UK online and telephone support.