2022 March
Another month passes and we are heading towards the warmer months. Lets face it after Dudley, Eunice, Franklin we all need something to look forward to but we have to be so grateful too, grateful we have been given at least a 2nd chance and whilst we may reflect we must also spare a thought for what is happening elsewhere in the world. I do… Continue reading
2022 February
A very warm welcome to a new month, Ben has had a great first month of work after 6 years of wondering if he would ever work again a true testament of a stroke survivor who is determined not to give in. Congratulations Ben on achieving your first month and lets hope its the first of many many more where we can make such a… Continue reading
2022 January
Firstly let me wish you a very happy new year on behalf of everyone at StrokeInformation.
I would like to also introduce you to our newest staff member Ben, we first connected on social media back in summer 2018 when he was getting a rough ride from the housing association where he lives when they were taking their time to fix the floor to his property… Continue reading
December 21
December 2021, where has this year gone? It doesnt seem like 2 minutes ago since we were being told to keep safe, save the NHS, stay at home, make space, dont go out, then eat out, then dont go out…….without doubt it has been a crazy crazy time by all accounts, this is about the time to reflect and as I mentioned last moth look at just… Continue reading
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