Stroke Information, help and recovery.

Registered Charity Number 1166424


Tel: 0330 055 2197

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Official Partner:


2019 – December

December is amongst us and especially at this time of the year we tend to reflect on others, whats happened over the year, what we have or haven’t achieved, who has left us and who has come into our lives.  We also enjoy our childhood and count the days down on our advent calendar and rejoice on the little treat that is behind every window, Yes I get the… Continue reading

2019 – November

This year is flying isn’t it?  I mean we are in November now and it didn’t seem like 2 minutes ago that I was in shorts and t-shirt, madness isn’t it?   I guess it also proves a point that we should make every moment count rather than count every moment.  What did October bring, well we had another WORLD STROKE DAY (29th October 2019) and although we… Continue reading

2019 – October

Yes Steve Penk lends his support to us!

Hello and welcome to the tenth month of this fast paced year, yes who could believe we are now in Autumn, oh well as a good friend says and it is quite apt when recovering from a stroke, in fact its a great statement and that is “Don’t count every day…….Make every day count…….as the month of September drew to… Continue reading

2019 – September

Hello and welcome to the month of September, the tenth of this month in 2019 marks SEVEN years since my own  stroke journey commenced.   At the time obviously I didn’t expect it, it really did come out of the blue, at that very time everything was a daze and no one expects the journey that I have endured but even so I class myself as a very lucky… Continue reading

UK online and telephone support.
UK online and telephone support.

Stroke Information supplies online and telephone support to anyone around the UK looking for advice and motivation from people with experience.

We encourage stroke survivors and their families to contact usand share your stories and experiences.

We also have supporters nationwide who we can call on if necessary.


If you'd like to know
how to donate.

Please Contact Me