May 2018
Its Stroke Awareness Month Again and this year we have a few volunteers, namely Damon, Marc & Luke undertaking a 190 mile bike journey from Stockport (New Mills) to Wembley Stadium for the FA CUP Final between Manchester United and Chelsea.
Please support the push bike ride to Wembley on 18th May 2018 by texting
SESI07 then the amount £1 – £10 to 70070 or via https://www.justgiving.com/campaigns/charity/stoke-information/onhisbike
Other things… Continue reading
April 2018
April, phew this year is really flying, it doesn’t seem like last week that it was the start of the new year but I guess the Snow that we have recently had makes it all wintery doesnt it??
We have had some contact just lately with several other people impacted by Stroke within the UK, Lucy from Holmes Chapel, Jacqui originally from NZ but residing in London, Bill and… Continue reading
March 2018
Can you believe we are in March 2018?? Yes the Beast from the East has arrived !!!
Ladies day flyer 001 0501-SC Get yourself to this though & stop being a NAG………book your tickets now, a great event for all you Ladies out there………
February 2018
Firstly let me thank each and everyone of you who help me along DRY JANUARY – I did it…..raising vital funds along the way for our charity, yes I managed a whole 31 days and nights without touching a drop and I genuinely feel better for it. That said I am not going to even contemplate Dry Feb as that is just taking the michael. Anyway said good… Continue reading