Stroke Information, help and recovery.

Registered Charity Number 1166424


Tel: 0330 055 2197

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Official Partner:


September 2017 (10th = 5 years post stroke)

Sunday 10th September 2017 will mark my 5th year anniversary of my horrendous stroke!!!   But………all i can say is look how far Ive come……..yes when the world seems against you and have singled you out for a bit of S&*% (sorry mum) I guess this shows that with fantastic support, a great understanding family and some good friends, yes that is you JB for allowing me to do this,… Continue reading

August 2017

August is upon us, where is this year going to?  The football season is shortly to commence and we are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for the Vernon Building Society Jubilee Fund where we will get a share of £10,000.00 thats TEN THOUSAND POUNDS to you and I.  Voting can be done online here: the online vote runs from 9th August – 13th… Continue reading

July 2017

July 2017 and the time for Steady Eddie to have his first public appearance but read what we have been up to here:-

Newsletter July 2017


Photos from the tournament to be uploaded soon

UK online and telephone support.
UK online and telephone support.

Stroke Information supplies online and telephone support to anyone around the UK looking for advice and motivation from people with experience.

We encourage stroke survivors and their families to contact usand share your stories and experiences.

We also have supporters nationwide who we can call on if necessary.


If you'd like to know
how to donate.

Please Contact Me