January 2016
From us all at StrokeInformation, welcome to 2016 a year which I know will be a Landmark year for us, so Im planning to lay off the booze for the whole of January and Ive set myself a target of raising £300 at least, if you wish to donate, you can do so here .. https://crowdfunding.justgiving.com/nick-clarke-1 and remember if I dont do it then you dont have to… Continue reading
19th December 2015
I would just like to share this little story because we all love a great heart warming story dont we??
In the picture is Austin and his son the “Birthday Boy” Rainer – We first came about him and his family whilst we were on the ward and what people dont know is that despite his Stroke, his operation and his initial reaction to what had happened, what this guy… Continue reading
Wishing Everyone A Very Merry Christmas
From all of us here at StrokeInformation, THANK YOU again for all your support this last year, it means an awful lot and this is only a small way to repay you for all the support you have given us in the last 12 months and beyond.
2016 will be a landmark year for us, watch this space, but we are hoping for some very very exciting news very soon. Thank you x
December 2015
At last December is finally here and we are undertaking a bucket collection on Saturday at the Stockport County FC v FC United of Manchester so please help us to help others impacted by Stroke. Ive witnessed somethings in my life some good, some tragic and some quite unbelievable and I have to unfortunately mention this but people who are not disabled parking in blue badge bays is something… Continue reading