News 29th July 2015
OK say John is in the press because of his marriage to his Stroke nurse, Joy, I was honoured to be best man but we are both pleased to announce a new patron, Michelle Wheatley a fellow Stroke survivor who has LIS currently which is fantastic that she has agreed to be a patron but we have also today been awarded a grant which will enable 45 + Stroke survivors… Continue reading
Hot off the press, Stockport County have announced that they have Michelle Wheatley a LIS Stroke Survivor on the reverse of the new kit and you may see that StrokeInformation is also on there. Stockport County Football Club will also donate a percentage of the shirt sale to Michelle and her family – so please go out and buy this kit because it has a great cause behind it… Continue reading
July 2015
HOT HOT HOT, well June came and went and what an end to the month, as well as being the start of July and someone turning another year older on the same day a HRH Princess Diana RIP, its been a massive month for us, we are looking very close to get charity status and my co-founder also turns another year older and wiser on the 10th July, all i… Continue reading
June 2015
June 2015 – well so far its been a cracking June with Andy Murray reaching another semi final and Barcelona showing everyone else in the world of football, why they are a benchmark of every great team, congratulations to both and well played Juventus and welcome back to being a force to be reckoned with; if you get chance get yourself down to Stockport Town Hall tomorrow for the… Continue reading