Feb 2015
Friday 13th February, today after a very very successful awareness discussion with a local community group last night, we started our drop in at a local LIFE LEISURE CENTRE (every Friday 10 – 2pm) Avondale and the response was awesome absolutely great and proves that what we are introducing is needed in our local… Continue reading
Jan 2015
Happy New Year to you all, the start of a new year is often a chance to make a new start, well my new start came in September 2012 but it doesn’t stop me reflecting on what has happened in the last 12 months. Ive met some truly incredible inspirational special people, some of which Ive known for a while some only a little time but each… Continue reading
December 2014
Just had some fantastic news, do you remember Bill’s post from October?? Well Bill went away with Jayne last month to Egypt & the smoothy proposed, the message was read out by the flight crew on the plane to Egypt. Apparently Jayne was romantically impressed enough to say YES…Congratulations to you both from all of us here at StrokeInformation, there is another reason why there is life after Stroke, such… Continue reading
November 2014
8th November 2014, today was a very very special day, I unfortunately had to attend the funeral service of a local football legend, Mr Malcolm Thorley, the manager of Devonshire Park Wanderers and head of my a football league referee, Malcolm was not only one of my managers, he was an amazing guy, a true gent and without doubt a character but in a very very good way. Malcolm is… Continue reading