January 2014
2014 Already and an Old pal sent me this – Yes a Truly Inspiring Gent (Boon Army!)
2013 Summary
Well we are at the final day of 2013 and what a year its been, in terms of my recovery I guess slow and steady sums it up completely
I mean, look how far I’ve come along in 12 months, this time lat year I wasn’t walking unaided, let alone driving. I think the most important lesson that I can share with everyone is to set yourself small goals,… Continue reading
December 2013
Just want to wish you all a very very Merry Christmas for 2013
16th December and my first Stockport Stroke Survivors Christmas meal organised by the Legends Ray, Paul, Paula & Darrell – it was a great day, thoroughly enjoyable especially when the ground swallowed me up for mentioning Christine’s bag!! I wonder how old she is Ray? / John?
Great day… Continue reading
November 2013
November already, got quite a bit to report here. I have been attending a poetry
group with the very inspirational Mike Garry with other stroke patients and our homework
was to write a sonnet. Check out Mike’s work via his many books or watch this video
The day was special as I had arrived to the news that a dear dear pal had been rushed… Continue reading