2022 December
As another year draws to a close and we embark on the start of another New Year, I would encourage each and everyone of you to see just how far you have come, yes its true there are times when you would have thought, sod this, I cant do that, why does that do that? How can I change the way I am, I feel? however frustrating I… Continue reading
2022 November
I just want to start his month by acknowledging the fantastic support and exposure that Nick O’Hara, Paula Byrne and Ali Sproson gave to our charity at the beginning of last month raising a total of £2722 between them. Absolutely outstanding and thank you so much as that allows us to help others impacted by Stroke.
The end of October saw World Stroke Day, 29th October 2022 and… Continue reading
2022 October
Well AUTUMN is here so the temperature has dropped and the nights are drawing in, the rising cost of living will bite us for sure, so please stay warm, keep safe and ride this wave, in fact lets ride this together.
Its not all doom and gloom though, we have a couple of important events this month, the first being Mr Nick O’Hara, competing in the London… Continue reading
2022 September
This month marks my 10 year stroke versary…Yes the day when my life changed rather suddenly 10th September 2012 is when it happened and I recollect what I was like then to now and I really cannot believe how far I have come and I would not have been able to do half of this without my family and friends as well as the intelligence of one Dr K… Continue reading
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