March 2023
Welcome to March, firstly I just give a very special mention to a lady who lived near me and was a pillar in the local community, Mrs Dorothy Mason, unfortunately Dorothy had a small stroke in 2020 and she was a regular member of our group and drop in until COVID struck and we were forced to go on line and adapt with technology which was a setback… Continue reading
February 2023
February 2023, what? Already? Right, as you know we have been helping someone for a good few months, that person was told that it was likely indeed that he wouldn’t be able to walk again and was released from hospital just before Christmas once some suitable accommodation had been found for him, to help him readjsust independently. Dan, who is a massive Manchester City fan said… Continue reading
January 2023
Welcome to 2023, hope you are well; Yes another year passes and yet we are more determined than ever to break through the many many misconceptions that surround stroke, we will continue to help guide others impacted by Stroke using our mantra of #WeCareBecauseWeveBeenThere.
One thing that I must give my opinion on is the amount of television adverts for some of our leading charities, yes I know… Continue reading
2022 December
As another year draws to a close and we embark on the start of another New Year, I would encourage each and everyone of you to see just how far you have come, yes its true there are times when you would have thought, sod this, I cant do that, why does that do that? How can I change the way I am, I feel? however frustrating I would… Continue reading