December 21
November 2021
November 2021, well this year is finally drawing to a close and its fair to say that its been a strange year with plenty of ups and downs. One thing that I feel we need to focus on as a stroke survivor is to see just how far we have come, what we have achieved and when life throws you another curve ball we will help you smash… Continue reading
October 2021
Please click on the link ??. This is just a smidge of what we get involved in. Welcome to October everyone, yes Autumn is here an what a year we have endured. I am going to highlight what we have been up to recently, as well as fundraising although we haven’t been able to do a lot of that due to… Continue reading
September 2021
September 2021
Welcome to September 2021, as you may recall September is quite a poignant month for me as it brings round my “Stroke versary” yes on the 10th September it will be nine whole years since my life changed forever, so it is a time for reflection a time to look back, a time to celebrate of course but also a time to look how far… Continue reading