2020 – May
Its fair to say that things are a little different right now, but as someone who has recovered from a Stroke, isolation shouldn’t be anything thats new to us. We will get through this COVID-19 pandemic and we will be stronger as a result how we adapt and cope.
With the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) many of us are socially distancing ourselves from others… Continue reading
2020 – April
Well hello April, under normal circumstances, I would use the first of this month to practice my tricks in pranking someone but we are certainly not in “Normal” surroundings, however despite COV-ID19 we must focus on the important things in life and in a way go backwards. What I mean there is, we as Stroke survivors should not be unused to “Social Isolation” I mean lets face it, we… Continue reading
2020 – March
Hello and welcome to March, we have had another podcast feature on line with former radio one DJ, Mark Goodier, this time it features our very own and the inventor of “Timmy Time” Cary Timothy Hill
Listen below:-
Well done Tim, I think we can all relate to a lot of the details mentioned. Another fantastic amount of new people coming to our FREE weekly drop ins at… Continue reading
2020 – 1st February
Hello and welcome to February 2020, yes the day the UK has left the European Union, we have heard about it for a while now and yes its finally happened, So what does it all mean and in particular, what does it mean to Stroke Information, in short NOTHING. Stroke Information was built on solid foundations which is echoed in our strapline or hashtag…..simply #WeCareBecauseWeveBeenThere. It… Continue reading