2019 – September
Hello and welcome to the month of September, the tenth of this month in 2019 marks SEVEN years since my own stroke journey commenced. At the time obviously I didn’t expect it, it really did come out of the blue, at that very time everything was a daze and no one expects the journey that I have endured but even so I class myself as a very lucky… Continue reading
2019 – August
I really can’t believe we are in August already, let me just reflect on July and what a month that was, obviously it started off with my birthday, followed by some great news with a Stroke survivor that we helped, yes after 3 months, we encouraged him to undertake certain methods in his recovery journey and we got him back driving and what’s more important, a wage and some of… Continue reading
July 25th 2019
RIP pal, Donald Tony Thomas, just attended Tony’s funeral at Rowan Chapel, Stockport Crem; Tony gone but never forgotten, had his Stroke in 2016 and a regular attendee of our drop in at Disability Stockport. Sleep well friend
2019 – July
Its July people!! JULY already!!! how on earth did that happen?? Oh well have a great month and remember StrokeInformation is all about managing and coping with life after such a traumatic experience, June was a great Month, we met some great people and had our biggest audience to date at our drop ins (collectively), so that means that we must be doing something right. … Continue reading