October 2018
Welcome to October 2018, I hope this post finds you well;
Tuesday 16th October, I am truly thrilled to be able to share with you a new venture with the giant service provider Mitie.
StrokeInformation are now able to provide a limited number of tablets which will be preloaded with our newsletter and Chabble to help those impacted by Stroke able to communicate with their loved ones… Continue reading
September 2018
September sees another “StrokeVersary” for me, yes the 10th of September marks 6 years since my life changed and the lives of those in my family as a Stroke just doesnt impact one person, it causes a ripple right through the family and friends.
Recently at one of our drop in’s we were joined by another survivor who didnt know who to turn to for help and information, well… Continue reading
August 2018
Please make a note of our new contact telephone number 0330 055 2197……… It has been suggested that there is still a void within Stockport and other locations whereby some charities cater for certain ages and we could like to stipulate that Stroke’s can happen at any age, therefore we will not cater for a specific age range, we will encompass everyone at any age. Although… Continue reading
JULY 2018
Wow what a busy few weeks!! Welcome to July, its been an absolute cracker weather wise, July is always a good month and one that is special to me and always will be. So as its a Month when our newsletter is produced, here is our very latest edition. Newsletter July 2018