February 2018
Firstly let me thank each and everyone of you who help me along DRY JANUARY – I did it…..raising vital funds along the way for our charity, yes I managed a whole 31 days and nights without touching a drop and I genuinely feel better for it. That said I am not going to even contemplate Dry Feb as that is just taking the michael. Anyway said good… Continue reading
January 2018
2018 may it be a very healthy and prosperous one for all
December 2017
Firstly let US take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for the Festive Season, remember #WeCareBeacauseWeveBeenThere – so please if there is anything concerning you or just want to talk to someone, drop us an email : Contactus@strokeinformation.co.uk.
Are you a Stroke survivor?? Looking for employment or even just being involved in something again after the devastating scenario of your Stroke,… Continue reading
November 2017
November is here and from a personal perspective October has been a funny month, we have had 28 visitors in the month for our drop in, in central Stockport which cements that what we do works and that it is needed in our community. StrokeInformation were due to be the beneficiary of a halloween party night at Stockport County FC on Saturday 28th October 2017,… Continue reading