December is here and our next fundraiser is almost upon us…eeek…Come along and support us, to support others impacted by Stroke. Rainbow88 and Linda Lam is our fabulous host for the night for what promises to be memorable, as well the delightful food we have Bits & Bobs preforming then be dazzled by Dynamite Dave the Magician, then listen to the fabulous Reform preforming an acoustic set. … Continue reading
November 2016
November sees a couple of new attendee’s to our group at Disability Stockport, Steven & Tony, in the picture you can Steven, John & Anthony presenting a signed City shirt to Tony which is signed by his favourite all time player, Colin Bell (Nijinsky), Mike Summerbee, Dennis Tueart, Alex Williams, Tony Book, Ian Brightwell, Richard Edgehill, Andy Morrison, and the fantastic party organiser Peter Barnes. Tony… Continue reading
October 2016
The trustee’s of StrokeInformation presenting a cheque to Frank Wheatley (Michelle’s Dad) for £2000 which will go someway to her continued speech & language therapy and if all goes to plan, she hoping to have her tracheotomy removed before Christmas 2016. Don’t forget you can help too by visiting https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/nick-clarke-70 or by texting SINF07 then the amount you wish to donate to 70070
September 10th 2016
This is a photo of me almost 4 years ago to the day, OK its 23rd September 2012 and I was at the BMI Alexander Hospital Sitting Up Eating but as you can see, scared, lonely and didnt understand what had happened to me. 4 years on I have founded a new registered charity focusing on helping others impacted by Stroke.