Stroke Information, help and recovery.

Registered Charity Number 1166424


Tel: 0330 055 2197

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October 2015

October 2015, not long until our Autumn Ball now, have you got your ticket yet??   Its a fantastic venue, great food and amazing entertainment with our special guest MC who has not only played at Maine Road but also more regularly at old Trafford yes for both clubs, but I can’t say who, but you won’t be disappointed one bit.  so it is £35 per head pr if… Continue reading

Way to Go Jessie P – Stockport 10k

IMG_0004 Grabbing a well deserved breather after her fantastic run in the Stockport 10k organised by LifeLeisure and  sponsors including Orbit Developments – 10k is approximately 7.5 miles in old school and Im hearing that Jess completed it in just over an hour (61 minutes)  that is amazing and what is even more special that it was literally months after having a little baby girl.   Jess was… Continue reading

Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary Mum & Dad

The web address for our fundraising page is

StrokeInformation Autumn Ball  – reserve your table now for as little as £50 otherwise its £35 per head which includes a live Swing Band and a 3 Course Meal- With a very very special guest and Im absolutely overwhelmed to tell you that Michael Buble will not be in attendance.   (please email us for our bank details)

3 Years Today !!! 10/9/2015

WOW !  What a week as always its been an emotional rollercoaster – First this week was Monday, 3 years to the very day that my Stroke struck but a different awakening this time round as Poppie wasn’t her normal self and we had to take her to the vets and make a terrible decision but at least she is at peace now. RIP Pop, gone but never ever… Continue reading

UK online and telephone support.
UK online and telephone support.

Stroke Information supplies online and telephone support to anyone around the UK looking for advice and motivation from people with experience.

We encourage stroke survivors and their families to contact usand share your stories and experiences.

We also have supporters nationwide who we can call on if necessary.


If you'd like to know
how to donate.

Please Contact Me