Who’s Who
Nick – CEO & Founder
Nick, our founder had his stroke in September 2012, a hemorrhagic (bleed) at that and after discovering that there is very little help and support out there he decided to try and do something about it. Hopefully showing that a positive can come out of a negative.
Laura – Director / Trustee
Councillor Laura Booth, Stockport Metropolitan Council’s Disability Champion, joined the board of Directors / Trustee’s recently and we are very proud to have her joining StrokeInformation. Laura is also the former mayor of Stockport 2019 / 2020.
Sue – Director / Trustee
Our most experienced stroke survivor in that she had her stroke way before any of the others. Sue was actually grocery shopping in a well known supermarket when her stroke happened. Again really promoting that they can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time.
Pete – Director / Trustee
Pete, although aware of Strokes in his past, was finally impacted by Stroke not himself but as a family member of a stroke survivor and witnessed first hand the many obstacles that they have faced in their own recovery.
Damon – Trustee
Damon, what can be said about this loveable head case!? Damon has walked from Edgelely Park, the home of Stockport County, over night to Bradford Park Avenues ground, on foot collecting funds on the way. The following year Damo went one better by cycling from New Mills FC to Wembley to watch the F A Cup final between his beloved Chelsea and Manchester United. Nick arranged tickets for the Final as a reward for his hard work, dedication and determination.
Riona – Director / Trustee –
Riona has had 2 Strokes, leaving her paralysed but her determination is something else, more to follow soon….
Rhona – Ambassador
Rhona, ironically had her stroke at around the same time as Margery and were in beds on the very same ward at Stepping Hill Hospital. After Rhona was discharged from Hospital she wasn’t sure if she would ever connect with Margery again, until that is StrokeInformation intervened. Rhona is exactly what Stroke Information is all about, she never gives up. Her improvement since she has been a member of the group is honestly just breathtaking and a role model for anyone out there.
Ben Schelfhaut – P/T staff – Coordinator
Ben, born in 1970. he suffered a brain stem stroke in 2016. he loves music and sport and spending time with his granddaughter. Working for StrokeInformation has given me the chance of giving help to people who are in the same situation as I am. I met Nick on Twitter, he helped me solve a problem and I have been following/ supporting StrokeInformation ever since
Matt Brownrigg – P/T staff – Coordinator
Matt, born in 1977, He’s actually had a couple of Strokes and he was introduced to Nick during 2022 through a mutual friend as he was looking for work following his latest Stroke, Nick suggested volunteering which he now does as well working for StrokeInformation part time.
Rhian Burden – P/T staff – Coordinator
Rhian, our own miracle, now picture this, Rhian had her stroke in 2018, however at the time she was 6 months pregnant and I am pleased to inform that both Rhian and her second son are both well, If you would like to know more about Rhian be sure to check out her own blog, mummy with a brain injury. just type that in your search engine.
Dan Hulston – P/T staff – Coordinator
Dan, really is a fine example of what our Charity is all about, Dan had his stroke 2 years ago in 2022 and believe it or not was told that he would probably never walk again but the never aspect that he took on board was to never give up and he didn’t and hasn’t since. As much as I love telling my own story about what happened to me, it is vitally important that people appreciate that his is not a game of top trumps and just about me but more importantly is about every single one of us, every stroke is different but so too is our recovery journey’s.
Mandy Cooper – P/T staff – Coordinator
Mandy joins StrokeInformation as a valued contributor to the charity and has an inbuilt passion to spread the message that there is help out there, there is hope, you do have a sense of purpose. Mandy has already reached out into her local community and is making tremendous connections in her area, the fact that all our employees are stroke survivors prove they have never given up.
SteadyEddie – Mascot
Steady Eddie is our own mascot, registered trademark too, no less. He is based upon Aesop’s famous fable the tortoise and the hare, yes thats right Steady Eddie is a tortoise, not a turtle but a tortoise because he taught us everything. He can be available for any event, children’s parties, school visits, workplace visits – He brings a new dimension to Stroke awareness and you won’t have to shell out a fortune……….
Our Volunteers……..
Only a few of our wonderful volunteers shown