April 2013
March 2013
Oops, March was starting off with another scare, I was rushed in again with what can only be
described as “Stroke Pain” I was getting periodic spasms which started in my neck and flushed
throughout my body, needless to say paramedics were called, I was assessed and I was again
rushed in to Stepping Hill, my blood pressure was checked and all was fine and there were no
signs… Continue reading
February 2013
February was I guess the start of things to come, my life consisted of more check ups at Stepping
Hill, Physio, more physic and appointments with my solicitors, great just what I need right now.
Looking back now, my employers were an absolute disgrace but the only good, positive thing
that came out of my medical predicament was that I was covered by BUPA.
January 2013
The first recollection I have of the beginning of January 2013 was that Wifey had to get
ongoing correspondence to my employers as sick pay was none existent, so as well as giving
copies of my sick note, it was a very much formal approach back to them as they had instigated
it that way.
Another CT scan at the hospital to check everything was mending as… Continue reading
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