2019 – August
I really can’t believe we are in August already, let me just reflect on July and what a month that was, obviously it started off with my birthday, followed by some great news with a Stroke survivor that we helped, yes after 3 months, we encouraged him to undertake certain methods in his recovery journey and we got him back driving and what’s more important, a wage and some of his independence back. The good news doesn’t stop there either, we helped our good friend Pete Coghlan with an introduction to an organisation which provides care at home and they are that impressed with Pete’s story and his recovery from locked-in syndrome, that they are currently putting him through checks for employment. #StrokeInformationDoesWhatItSaysSoOnTheTin.
We had our charity football game at Cheadle Heath Nomads, saw the chairmans select squad V The Jet 2 Allstars and that turned out to be a great day enjoyed by all and at the same time joined in the Nomads centenary year celebrations.
Sadly we had to say goodbye to Tony as he was given a great send off at Stockport crematory by all those that new him, god bless pal, sleep well.
I would like to finish this little post by also announcing that we had our busiest month at our drop in, with over 61 people attending, which proves that our service works, so much so that we are potentially going to have to move to new premises and thats not all, we are also announcing two new trustees in Margery and Tim, welcome aboard #WeCareBecauseWeveBeenThere
If you appreciate what we do and would like to help us help others impacted by Stroke, then you can sign up to our newsletter which is quarterly here:- https://xlinks.to/strokeinformation
Also this month, we are pleased to announce a partnership deal with www.completecareshop.co.uk if you see an item that you would like to purchase – Please use discount code CCEX5 in your shopping basket. Hopefully you will soon understand why we use the #WeCareBecauseWeveBeenThere