2022 October
Well AUTUMN is here so the temperature has dropped and the nights are drawing in, the rising cost of living will bite us for sure, so please stay warm, keep safe and ride this wave, in fact lets ride this together.
Its not all doom and gloom though, we have a couple of important events this month, the first being Mr Nick O’Hara, competing in the London Marathon for us on SUNDAY 2nd October, Nick is running in our strokeInformation jersey sponsored by Ecovery and Byrne Construction Ltd both families impacted by Stroke. Nick’s badge number is 28418 should anyone want to track his run, Nick thank you for raising this awareness and please do look out for him as there will be millions watching.
then on 09th October we have Ali Sproson and Paula Byrne competing in the Manchester Half Marathon if you can donate please do it here https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/MCRrun
Ali’s former work colleague had a stroke Mike Didlick stroke happened in Jan 2021 and he hasn’t returned to work as yet something that we are supporting him with and the most important word in that last sentence is YET……We will help Mike all the way. Paula’s sister in law had her stroke last August (2021) and to say that Helen has been let down by the system, a system which is for anyone is infact an understatement of the highest proportion again the jerseys are being sponsored by Ecovery and Byrne Construction Ltd and if you can help us to help others then any amount is greatly appreciated.
Helen was initially discharged to a residential care home and lets just say that the care home is not equipped for someone so young and a survivor of stroke, now the local authority who I won’t name for obvious reasons are being very obstructive with any proposals for Helen’s care and if it was my sister, I think I might have been arrested or put in a asylum by now as I know I would get more satisfaction from pulling my teeth out with a pair of pliers.
In both situations the handling of the matter is not unusual in any location here in the UK and that is why it is so important to raise the awareness and educate all and sundry that we have a basic human right and this is just part of the reason why we do what we do. If you can help us then please donate but also let everyone know about StrokeInformation and that #WeCareBecauseWeveBeenThere
To finish off with a positive note, please can I just give a big shout out to Dan, who will be attending his first Manchester Derby on Sunday 2nd October after his stroke last year, Dan has been an inspiration to all of us and is a true advocate of Stroke recovery, by setting himself small goals which he is smashing at every opportunity. Keep up the great work Dan and I just hope the match on Sunday lives up to its expectations and one side of Manchester will be happy – Which one?? You decide…..?
please drop us a line at ContactUs@StrokeInformation.co.uk Thank You 2022
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