Stroke Information, help and recovery.

Registered Charity Number 1166424


Tel: 0330 055 2197

Official Partner:
Official Partner:

2024 April

Well hello April, it seems a while since we had lighter nights and better weather but hopefully we are now emerging into warmer weather.

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Our drop in sessions are becoming really popular now, every Monday, either in person at 23 High Street, Stockport, Sk1 1EG or via Zoom, please  for the link and access details.   We also now have grown our WhatsApp community to be an all inclusive group, a football related group and a ladies only group for all the ladies that just want to chat lady only subjects.  I believe it has become abundantly clear that we have got something special within our community of STROKE life, yes we know that we cannot help every single person but we can try and make you the best version of yourself.     Recently I have been asked to undertake a presentation to highlight what makes us so different and I asked the group members to post photos / videos to me to represent how they were post stroke and how they continue to improve in their own recovery journey, oh my word, the results are phenomenal, truly inspiring and it really proves that there is no such word as can’t.

One thing that is hard to understand is the tiredness or as we Stroke survivors call FATGUE but its actually more than fatigue its NEURO FATIGUE, after a stroke, your brain needs to rest, recover and regenerate, pretty tough right?  Imagine having to do that whilst the brain is juggling all the other things that it does, like control bodily temperature, ensuring breathing, swallowing, maintaining toilet habits, ensuring the body gets the correct nutrients the list is actually endless.   Therefore it is probably easy for non stroke survivors to use the phrase LAZY, were not lazy we just have an awful lot to contend with.   Another common paraphrase is “Oh you don’t look like you’ve had a stroke”    Why?  What should we look like? never ever judge a book by its cover they say, well its no more true than when dealing with a stroke survivor unless you’ve walked in their shoes and that is what makes StrokeInformation so different.

If you know someone impacted by Stroke no matter where they live then we would love to hear from you to let us try and help you / them.


UK online and telephone support.
UK online and telephone support.

Stroke Information supplies online and telephone support to anyone around the UK looking for advice and motivation from people with experience.

We encourage stroke survivors and their families to contact usand share your stories and experiences.

We also have supporters nationwide who we can call on if necessary.


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how to donate.

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