Stroke Information, help and recovery.

Registered Charity Number 1166424


Tel: 0330 055 2197

Official Partner:
Official Partner:

2024 September

 Towards the end of last month we met with Phil Worthington, director of WPMS West pro media services who specialise in getting your name and brand out there with assistance on your google business to get genuine reviews for your organisation.   To be totally honest, Its been a game changer and we can now ask people to tap their phone or scan the QR code and it will take them to the review site where they can comment on our services.  If you would like to know more please check out  

Phil said “Delighted to be able to support Nick Clarke 💚, CEO and Founder of StrokeInformation to help increase the awareness of the important work the charity undertakes to support stroke survivors. We first met Nick at a recent BNI Vision Stockport meeting and were impressed with the important work he undertakes to increase awareness of the charity.

We have provided a Google Review Device to allow the charity to quickly collect Google reviews and have also provided advice on Services and service descriptions that will help increase the charity’s brand and visibility in Google.

Please share with anyone to help promote the important work the charity undertakes.”

 Mandy Cooper

Staying with great news, we are absolutely thrilled to be able to introduce our newest member of Staff, Ms Mandy Cooper,  a single parent bringing up her granddaughter under a special guardianship order.  She previously was working full time (31 hours) in secondary education. her life was busy, used to walk to work, on average day, she  would walk between 15,000 to 20,000 steps a day especially when at work. October 23rd 2021 the day her life altered.    Mandy’s  aim was to try to get  back to work and were pleased to announce that she has, Mandy starts with StrokeInformation on the 1st September 2024 just short of 3 years after that day none of us remember fondly.    So, my message to all stroke survivors don’t give up, keep trying, celebrate your achievements no matter how small. Life is for living and I’m grateful for every day I wake up…….   Mandy Cooper

  September will also see us hit 10 members of Eddie’s club, so effectively we have 3 members join a month which enables to add more stroke survivors to the workforce providing them with a use, making them feel worthy once more.   If you or anyone else you know are interested in about finding more on Eddie’s club please get in touch.   I promise you won’t regret it.   Finally on the 10th September 2024, I will be celebrating my 12th (Twelfth) StrokeVersary, im living proof that you can rebuild your life after such a traumatic event.


UK online and telephone support.
UK online and telephone support.

Stroke Information supplies online and telephone support to anyone around the UK looking for advice and motivation from people with experience.

We encourage stroke survivors and their families to contact usand share your stories and experiences.

We also have supporters nationwide who we can call on if necessary.


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how to donate.

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