April 2014
Not long to go now until May, Stroke month, Ive just been volunteering at the local hospital on the Stroke ward, I think its really important for Stroke patients and their families to show them that there is hope, yeah life throws us some obstacles but we can get over them with love, care & support, I’m still getting over my stroke but I know that I wouldn’t have that hope without love, care and support of a truly fantastic family.
Tickets now on sale for the little charity game Im organising, with help from my friends at Wallasey FC and Mark “Maddog” Maddox at Edgeley Park, the home of Stockport County FC 10th May
I even made the PFA official website today too…. http://www.thepfa.com/news/2014/4/8/charity-football-match
Also coming soon is the Science Stroke Art