December 21
December 2021, where has this year gone? It doesnt seem like 2 minutes ago since we were being told to keep safe, save the NHS, stay at home, make space, dont go out, then eat out, then dont go out…….without doubt it has been a crazy crazy time by all accounts, this is about the time to reflect and as I mentioned last moth look at just how far we have come since when our stroke happened and if you are a new stroke survivor then please reach out to us and let us help and guide you. Recovery from a stroke isn’t a quick fix, its a journey but the main thing to remember is that at least you are on that journey and here at StrokeInformation we will help you all the way.
Believe me when I say that we all want to get back to normal, whatever normal is as quickly as possible but in all honesty dont rush it as the last thing you want to do is to go backwards to far backwards that every thing seems unattainable but it isn’t, if you want to do it, you will with the right help and your determination.
Now use this holiday season to relax, set yourself small achievable goals in the new year and then this time next year you will be able to see just how far you have come. So from StrokeInformation and I, have a very happy Christmas and a wonderful new year. I am not going to mention everyone as I cant remember all the people we have helped over the last 12 months and beyond, but just remember that we are all with you, so Margery, Cary, Paul, Steve, Riona, John, Sue, Jackie, Michelle, Nick, Mandy, Julie, Janine, Gina, Alan, Rob, Maggie, Alison, Andrew, Ben, Charlotte, Dorothy, Anthony, Charmaine, Chris, Helen, Katie, Kerry, Kevin, Kimberley, Seb, Leigh, Craig, Lilly, Matt, Michael, Ollie, Pat, Paul, Rhona, Richard, Sam, Kenny, Sonya, Stephen, Valerie, Zoe. This list could get really long to be honest, so to all the wobblers out there…….keep going
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