Feb 2015
Friday 13th February, today after a very very successful awareness discussion with a local community group last night, we started our drop in at a local LIFE LEISURE CENTRE (every Friday 10 – 2pm) Avondale and the response was awesome absolutely great and proves that what we are introducing is needed in our local area and after I received an email from Helen, Mentoring is something we can offer in other areas, so if you would like to get involved please get in touch : contactus@strokeinformation.co.uk
Helen is pleased to share and we are over the moon that she is one of our volunteers, :- “i have recently been ‘chatting’ with a lady i ‘met’ on Different Strokes
facebook group
we message each other daily through facebook and share our experiences.
after a couple of weeks chatting i invited her to come to my home for
coffee and a chat and for our partners to meet too. we spent a lovely morning
together just sharing our experiences. we have continued to message daily and
the support has flowed both ways, when i had a black dog day it was great
to be able to converse with someone who understood exactly what i was going
through, equally when she was going through adjusting to a new leg splint
i was able to offer advice and support to her.
although our carers are able to deal with the phuysical restrictions that
happen following a stroke it is often the invisible side that gets forgotten
and it is so easy to feel isolated and alone finding it hard to verbalise
what it is like living with depression, brain dasmage, emotional changes,
fatigue etc. only someone who has survived a stroke knows what it is like to
strive for a full recoveryto hit a wall when progress seems non existent
and to feel the exalted jubilation at a new achievement whetthr that is
getting a pair of socks on without help of seeing movement in limbs which have
been paralysed by the stroke.
Finding a ‘buddy’ is finding a lifeline and is something every survivor
needs. We all need support to recover from the massive trauma our brains and
bodies have been through and as suvivors we are all able to support other
survivors who maybe have suffered a stroke more recently. every story is a
success to be shared and celebrated 🙂 – Helen x ” – Thanks Helen that is amazing !! support is out there and we can help you find it.