January 2025
January 2025, welcome Its great to be here. Our FREE weekly drop ins are more popular than ever, yes , every Monday (Except Bank Holidays) between 10am- 12 pm your chance to join in, talk stroke, not talk stroke, get things off you chests, ask away after all there is no such thing as a daft question. We all care because we’ve been there. So come along, no appointment necessary and if you can not physically get there, no worries, you can join via Zoom so wherever you are there is always support here for you with the ladies and gents of StrokeInformation. A new service we are launching this year is a befriending service to children and relatives of people impacted by Stroke. Our fully lived experienced advisors can help you, they are fully DBS cleared and totally understand. As always anything discussed is totally confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party.
Let us help you to make 2025 the next step on the road to recovery. We Care Because We’ve Been There.
May I take this opportunity to share something with you, I am unable to name the person as I do not currently have their consent, however a member of our drop in who has been a regular attendee for the last 12 months visited us as a shy character mainly down to the many misconceptions surrounding stroke. This person came to us after their second stroke, the first being in 2013, the last one in 2018 and even though they experience other health issues they have never given up and we have embraced them and welcomed them into being an integral part of our group. On our last drop in of 2024 this person shared with us that they experienced something really strange and remarkable all the same. After their carers had been to visit after their shower, the carers continued to dry the person and actually started tickling them on their weak side (stroke side) you might think nothing of it but for our group member they could feel that sensation, the first time in years……it doesn’t happen all the time but when someone is told that they will not do this and they will not do that after their stroke, never ever stop trying, please don’t give up, if you are struggling, then please reach out to us, we would love to try and help you.