June 2021
June 2021, welcome to June, well as all that is usually reported in the doom and gloom and this statistic and another statistic I thought Id share with you some good news, in fact great news, it is just to share with you, my girls make me so incredibly proud, Meg is absolutely loved not only by us but also her work colleagues or partners as they prefer to be referred to and as for Abs, well not only did she smash uni, she has only got herself a job as a newly qualified teacher. Whats that got to do with StrokeInformation you might ask? Well it shows that if you are determined to achieve something then you will just like recovering from a stroke, if you want to walk again then you will if you try and try and try again. We are in a world where to many people just give up or have others give up on you. NO if you want it go and get it and be the best version of yourself.
We really want to help you or someone you know who has been impacted by Stroke and this help can range from giving you our experience of Stroke and how we have coped and our recovery journey to date. Sharing tips and advice, guidance and support our group has blossomed and we are reaching out to more and more people including some fellow survivors who have been treated so incorrectly from all kinds of people ranging from their employers to the medical profession and beyond, no one is immune from stroke and we compassionately understand.