November 2017
November is here and from a personal perspective October has been a funny month, we have had 28 visitors in the month for our drop in, in central Stockport which cements that what we do works and that it is needed in our community. StrokeInformation were due to be the beneficiary of a halloween party night at Stockport County FC on Saturday 28th October 2017, however due to a number of reasons the night was cancelled. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the club, Mike Petch (The club photographer) and Julie Holland of CGC events for their truly amazing endeavours to get the night going from an attendance point of view, Stephen Parfett of Parfetts cash & carry for supplying the complimentary reception drinks along with ARGH Kid, The Beavers, Alan “The voice of Old Trafford” Keegan, Anthony Crolla, Lisa Stansfield, Rachel George, @asplashofmagic, The PFA, amongst others who I can’t thank enough for the support to make the night happen, but it is fair to say that given the news of the loss of life of a Stroke survivor that we were due to start working with, the right decision had been made. RIP pal and remember anyone reading this, you are not alone, talk to someone, preferably some who has been there but someone at least. #ItsGoodToTalk
Speaking of talking, did you see BBC4’s documentary called Speechless – all about Aphasia…..if not here is the link.
Other things to report this month !! We have now got two people we have been working with back into paid employment !!! How do you like those apples??? #WeCareBecauseWeHaveBeenThere & #NeverGiveUp
Last night 2 of our trustee’s attending the Vernon Jubilee Presentation Evening where we received a cheque for £538.16 which is greatly received, thanks go to The Vernon Building Society and the people of Stockport who voted.
Please donate in our #LostForWords campaign on JustGiving