September 2017 (10th = 5 years post stroke)
Sunday 10th September 2017 will mark my 5th year anniversary of my horrendous stroke!!! But………all i can say is look how far Ive come……..yes when the world seems against you and have singled you out for a bit of S&*% (sorry mum) I guess this shows that with fantastic support, a great understanding family and some good friends, yes that is you JB for allowing me to do this, to tell my story and share the moments with anyone who wanted to know more. This last year has been particularly tough, it started off with a fellow survivor and so called friend doing the dirty on me, taking things that are not his to take and then also trying to damage intellectual property belonging to the charity, I guess my eyes were truly opened but undeterred it has actually made the charity and I stronger, yes its tough, but every now and again you get a little reminder of why you started this journey in the first place. In true Stroke survivor spirit you get back up again only to be knocked down once more, the knocking down on this occasion was only a slight trip, as a flood trustee has been given a chance to follow an opportunity which may lead to paid work and I will never stand in the way of someone who has that opportunity and I even offered a solution which would allow them to do both, however the trustee declined and wanted to 100% focus on the opportunity he has been given, so honestly I wish you all thievery very past pal and one day who knows, what the future holds but you will always be welcome back to StrokeInformation. Thank you for being part of the journey. The same has to be said for my bother from another mother, Pete Coghlan. Just as inspirational that lass from Stockport with a heart and soul made out of Sheffield Steel, Kate Allatt, Shelagh Brennand, The Bradford Bull from Down Under, Paul Elliott who has shown true grit and survivor spirit, Becki & Simon who started something very similar, the many many others whose paths I’ve have crossed and lastly The wonderful Christine Waddell, RIP, God Bless Chick.
Steady Eddie had another outing too last week, over 3000 fans at Stockport County FC v Gainsborough Trinity, which we won 1-0 – Thanks especially to Steady’s wonderful guide “K” for his assistance.